North America’s Tallest, Fastest and Steepest Hybrid Coaster Opens in March at Busch Gardens Williamsburg

Busch Gardens Williamsburg | I-95 Exit Guide

Just in time for spring break, Iron Gwazi, North America’s tallest hybrid coaster and the fastest and steepest hybrid coaster in the world, will open in March 2022. Iron Gwazi takes thrills to new heights, plunging riders from a 206 foot-tall peak into a 91-degree drop and reaching top speeds of 76 miles per hour. Riders on Iron Gwazi will experience a dozen airtime moments, including three inversions, as they sink their teeth into crocodile-inspired thrills

Manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction, the newest addition at Busch Gardens will be a wood and steel hybrid coaster design, featuring a maximum height of more than 200 feet tall. The ride will feature all-new thrill elements, as well as restored elements of Gwazi. Coaster enthusiasts can follow the progress of Iron Gwazi through the park’s social media channels and using #IronGwazi.

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