The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) will be bringing equipment in for bridge repairs that will require multiple pacing operations on I-95 southbound...
As part of the on-going Route 273 and I-95 interchange improvements project, The Delaware Department of Transportation announces to motorists that the right lane...
To improve Fourth of July traffic congestion for this weekend, the Delaware Department of Transportation is limiting lane closures on construction-related projects starting at...
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a bridge maintenance operation will be performed on Bridge 00354 which carries Vauxhall Street Extension over...
The Virginia Department of Transportation reports that work is underway to create an auxiliary lane on southbound I-95 from Route 123 (Gordon Boulevard) to...
Weather permitting, Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) construction partners will close interstate lanes at the locations below for the 16@95 Improvement Projects, which...
To ease potential Memorial Day weekend traffic congestion, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) will suspend construction-related lane closures on interstates and major state...