The Massachusetts Department of Transportation reports that they will suspend all road and bridge construction on major roadways from Friday through the start of...
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing scheduled ramp closures in Groton on I-95 northbound and southbound between Exits 85 and 89 to facilitate...
As part of its ongoing $18.5 million project to repair five bridges along I-95 in Providence, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) will...
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) will temporarily close both the northbound and southbound Open Road Toll (ORT) lanes at the Hampton Toll...
Interstate 95 motorists will encounter single and double lane closures in both directions next week at several locations between the Delaware state line and...
As part of the on-going Route 273 and I-95 interchange improvements project, DelDOT announces to motorists that the right lane on Route 273 westbound...
As part of the Route 141, I-95 Interchange to Jay Drive Project, the Delaware Department of Transportation's contractor will be closing Exit 3B/Route 141...
The Maine Turnpike Weekly Construction Advisories are intended to provide general information about scheduled construction projects for the upcoming week. This schedule of lane...
Weather permitting, Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) construction partners will close interstate lanes and ramp at the locations below for the 16@95 Improvement...