The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that nighttime installation of rumble strips projects will be performed on I-95 northbound and southbound in Bridgeport...
The North Carolina Department of Transportation reports that work is under way on Interstate 95 southbound near Smithfield to repair roadway damage caused by...
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is announcing upcoming traffic pattern changes on I-95 South at Exit 21 (Atwells Avenue) as part of...
Thanks to the North Carolina Department of Transportation and contractor crews working around the clock over the weekend, I-95 was reopened in both directions...
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation reports the following lane clousres, ramp closures, detours and other highway restrictions on I-95 this week.
Weekend Closures
Updated: SATURDAY, October 15, 2016 @ 8:00 pm.
I-95 South closed between Exit 56 (US-301) and Exit...
As the North Carolina DOT continues to respond to the effects of Hurricane Matthew, portions of I-95 remain closed northbound and southbound between Dunn and...
Under the direction of Governor Pat McCrory, the N.C. Department of Transportation continues to respond to the effects of Hurricane Matthew and ongoing flooding...
Travel restrictions are scheduled on Interstate 95 at the Betsy Ross Bridge/Aramingo Avenue Interchange and Cottman Avenue (Route 73) Interchange, where crews will perform...
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation reports the following highway restrictions on I-95 from October 8-14, 2016.
Temporary Exit and Ramp Closures
Providence: I-95 South...