Monday, March 10, 2025
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    Nearly 80 Million Americans, a New Record, Expected to Travel over Thanksgiving

    The American Automobile Association (AAA) forecasts a substantial surge in Thanksgiving travel this year, with an estimated 79.9 million Americans planning journeys of 50...

    Best, and Worst Times to Travel This 2024 July 4th Holiday

    The American Automobile Association (AAA) and INRIX, a provider of transportation data and insights, says the worst times to travel by car before and on July 4th...

    Best/Worst Times to Travel by Car This July 4 Holiday

    The American Automobile Association (AAA) and INRIX, a provider of transportation data and insights, expects Friday, June 30 to be the busiest day on...

    Best, and Worst Times to Travel Memorial Day Weekend 2023

    The American Automobile Association (AAA) and INRIX, the premiere provider of transportation data and insights, expect that Friday, May 26th will be the busiest...

    Best and Worst Times to be on the Road This Holiday Week

    INRIX, in collaboration with the American Automobile Association (AAA), predicts only marginal delays overall throughout the holiday week. However, major metro areas across the...

    Worst Days and Times to Travel This July 4 Holiday

    41.4 million Americans will be traveling by car this Independence Day holiday, INRIX, in collaboration with AAA, predicts that drivers will experience the greatest...

    AAA: Record-Breaking 48.9 Million Americans to Travel this Independence Day

    More Americans than ever recorded by the American Automobile Association (AAA), nearly 49 million, are making plans to honor the red, white and blue...

    This Year’s Holiday Traffic Hot Spots

    Based on historical and recent travel trends, the American Automobile Association and INRIX, a global mobility analytics company, expects drivers to experience the greatest amount...
