Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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    Lane Closures, Detours for I-95 Work in Rhode Island Thru November 26

    The Rhode Island Department of Transportation reports the following traffic impacts associated with Interstate 95 construction and maintenance projects through November 26, 2021. Providence: I-95...

    North Carolina DOT Suspends Road Work for Thanksgiving Holiday

    The North Carolina Department of Transportation is suspending most construction activity along major highways to keep lanes open for holiday travel. The work along interstates,...

    Additional Lane Shifts Start November 18 in Providence

    As part of its ongoing $265 million Providence Viaduct Northbound project, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) will implement new lane shifts for...

    I-95 Single, Double Lane Closures Begin Monday in Delaware County

    Interstate 95 motorists will encounter single and double lane closures in both directions next week at several locations between the Delaware state line and...

    Multiple Ramp Closures for I-95 Construction in Delaware Have Begun

    As part of the on-going Route 141 Improvements, I-95 Interchange to Jay Drive Project, The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces to motorists that...

    Connecticut Suspends Construction Work for Thanksgiving Holiday

    The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that there will be no inspection, maintenance or construction activities on major highways for the Thanksgiving Holiday...

    EZPass Toll Plaza Lane Closures in Delaware Begin November 15

    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces to motorists that I-95 Newark Toll Plaza Northbound/Southbound EZ Pass lanes will be closed for patching and...

    I-95 Double Lane Closure for Work in Chester, Expect Backups and Delays

    The two right lanes are scheduled to close on southbound Interstate 95 between the Interstate 476 and U.S. 322 interchanges in the City of...

    Full Closure of Delaware’s I-95 Exits 3B and 5A Begins October 27

    As part of the Route 141, I-95 Interchange to Jay Drive Project, The Delaware Department of Transportation's contractor will be closing Exit 3B/Route 141...

    I-95 and I-495 Lane Closures for Weigh-in-Motion Installation in Delaware

    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) will be installing Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) traffic monitoring equipment along I-95 and I-495 northbound and southbound. WIM devices are...
