Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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    TOPIC SEARCH: construction

    Georgia DOT Suspends Roadwork on I-95 for Christmas and New Year Holidays

    The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) continues essential road work throughout the state. As a result, work on construction and maintenance projects will continue...

    Lane, Exit Closures, Detours for I-95 Work in Rhode Island Thru December 24

    The Rhode Island Department of Transportation reports the following road and lane closure notices, effective for the week of December 18-24, 2021. All schedules...

    Virginia DOT Suspends I-95 Lane Closures for the Christmas, New Year Holidays

    With the holidays hopping and the new year around the corner, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will help ease your travel to celebrate...

    New York’s ‘Last Mile’ I-95 Project, Began in 2018 is Now Complete

    New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently announced the completion of the $135 million infrastructure improvement project on a section of the New England Thruway...

    Traffic Alert: Work Zone Speed Camera Enforcement Begins on I-95 in Maryland

    In coordination with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) and Maryland State Police (MSP) Maryland SafeZones Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE)...

    I-95 Closures for Construction Work Thru December 18 in Delaware

    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces to motorists that construction activities to transition to I-95 Rehabilitation Phase 2 Construction will require closures of...

    Connecticut DOT Issues Construction Maintenance Restrictions for Upcoming Holiday

    The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that there will be no Maintenance, Inspection or Construction activities on major highways for the Christmas and...

    Closure Extended of Delaware I-95 Exit 7A Ramp Thru December 18

    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that as part of the on-going I-95 Rehabilitation Project, Exit 7A/I-95 Southbound Off Ramp to 11th Street/Delaware...

    I-95 Southbound Lanes at Oakland Park Boulevard to Close Overnight November 29

    The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) reports that I-95 southbound lanes at Oakland Park Boulevard (Broward County) will be closed to traffic overnight Monday,...

    Lane Closures, Shifts for I-95 High Mast Lighting Project in Delaware

    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces to motorists that there will be intermittent right lane closures at I-95 Newark Toll Plaza for high...
