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    HomeTopic Search4th of July

    TOPIC SEARCH: 4th of July

    Maryland Shorebound for the Fourth of July?

    With the Fourth of July falling on a Sunday this year and more people expected to travel with the lifting of Maryland’s COVID-19 State...

    South Carolina Restricts Lane Closures on I-95 for Fourth of July Holiday

    To help holiday traffic flow, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) prohibits lane closures on interstate highways for non-emergency highway work during the...

    Georgia DOT Suspends Lane Closures During Fourth of July Weekend

    In an effort to ease travel through and within our state during the Fourth of July weekend, the Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT)...

    South Carolina Suspending I-95 Lane Closures for July Fourth Holiday

    To help holiday traffic flow, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) prohibits lane closures on interstate highways for non-emergency highway work during the...

    Delaware Suspending I-95 Lane Closures for July 4 Holiday

    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) will be suspending construction-related lane closures beginning at 12:01 AM on Thursday, July 2, 2020 and ending at...

    North Carolina Suspends Most Lane Closures for July Fourth Holiday

    The state of North Carolina will temporarily suspend most highway construction projects that cause lane closures to help reduce the anticipated influx of traffic...

    Georgia DOT Restricts Lane Closures for Independence Day Holiday Travel

    The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) is suspending construction-related lane closures on interstate highways, heavily traveled state routes and roadways near major tourist...

    I-95 Lane Closures Restricted to Help Holiday Travelers in South Carolina

    To help holiday travelers, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) prohibits lane closures on interstate highways for non-emergency highway work during the Fourth...

    NCDOT Suspending Most Major Lane-Closing Projects for July 4 Holiday

    To ensure the most efficient travel for North Carolina drivers over the July 4 holiday, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will suspend most...

    Virginia DOT Lifts Lane Closures to Ease July 4 Travel

    Plan ahead to make the most of your Independence Day holiday travel, and be sure to keep safety top of mind. The Virginia Department...
