While Virginia’s I-95 is Open, Hazardous Conditions Continue

Winter Traffic | I-95 Exit Guide

While the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has reopened Interstate 95 between Caroline County and Quantico in Prince William County, drivers may encounter icy spots along the shoulder, on and off ramps and near bridges, overpasses and on and off ramps.

In the Fredericksburg area conditions have improved on the primary routes and high volume secondary routes. Minor to moderate conditions exists, meaning patches of snow and ice may be partially blocking travel lanes including turn lanes and intersections. Severe conditions exists on subdivision streets. Drivers should avoid non-essential travel if possible.

Road conditions in the Northern Neck area and in the Middle Pennisula area are clear to minor with moderate conditions in the King George area and in the northern counties along the Middle Peninsula.

VDOT crews will continue to work around-the-clock plowing snow covered roads and applying salt, sand and abrasives to roadways.

Freezing temperatures, downed power lines and trees hamper snow removal operations in the areas hardest hit by the storm. However, VDOT continues to work with tree contractors and utility crews to coordinate response efforts.

Crews will continue to work in 12-hour shifts, 24 hours a day until all state-maintained roads are safe for travel.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.