Virginia DOT Urges I-95 Motorists to Avoid Travel Thursday

Virginia DOT | I-95 Exit Guide
Photo Credit: Virginia DOT

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will mobilize in emergency operations tonight ahead of another winter storm expected to create icy, hazardous road conditions across the Fredericksburg District.

Snow, sleet, freezing rain and ice may be present on roads during this storm. Precipitation is expected to begin falling before sunrise Thursday and continue through late Thursday.

Ice is a significant risk with this storm. Icing may lead to downed trees and utility lines in the road, especially with wet, saturated soil across the district from storms over the past week.

Motorists are urged to avoid travel once snow or freezing precipitation starts to fall Thursday. Travel is hazardous when ice and snow are covering the road.

“We know residents are eager for warmer weather and to resume travel as normal, but road conditions will deteriorate quickly once this storm begins,” said Robbie Prezioso, P.E., VDOT Fredericksburg District Maintenance Engineer. “Depending on the track of the storm, roads in our district may be covered at times with snow, sleet, freezing rain or ice. For your safety, and for the safety of those who must be on the road, including emergency responders, we ask that travelers finish errands and storm preparations today, and then postpone trips until after the storm has ended.”

Pre-treatment operations were finishing Wednesday on Interstate 95, and on primary roads across the Fredericksburg area and Northern Neck, where the storm is anticipated to begin with snow. Tanker trucks applied a salt brine solution to the pavement on these high-volume routes. Once the storm begins, this helps to prevent ice from bonding to the pavement and assists with snow removal.

Earlier this week, supplies of sand and salt were replenished across the region. Tonight, VDOT state forces and contractors will move equipment into position to begin plowing snow and spreading sand and salt as soon as inclement weather starts.

Once 2 inches of snow or slush has accumulated on the road surface, crews will begin to plow.

Plan Travel Around the Storm

Once precipitation begins early Thursday, roads may quickly become covered by a range of frozen precipitation: snow, sleet, freezing rain, ice. Visibility may be limited. Downed trees or utility lines may be in the road. Plan to arrive at your destination before inclement weather begins and avoid travel until after the storm has ended.

With up to 1,200 pieces of equipment available in Fredericksburg District, VDOT crews have the staff and treatment materials needed to respond to this storm. Crews will continue to work around the clock until all roads are safe for travel.

If motorists encounter debris or another hazard in the road, do not attempt to move it.

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