24/7 Traffic Shift for I-95 Construction in Baltimore

I-95 Construction | Baltimore Maryland | I-95 Exit Guide

The Maryland Transportation Authority reports that a 24/7 traffic shift is scheduled on I-95 between Eastern Avenue and the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore.

  • All lanes on southbound I-95 between Eastern Avenue and the Fort McHenry Tunnel will be fully shifted to the left. There will be no right shoulder and only a small left shoulder.
  • The ramp from southbound I-95 to Boston Street (Exit 57) will be closed temporarily to traffic. The detour route will direct motorists to Keith Avenue (Exit 56), to Clinton Street, to Boston Street.

Weather permitting, the southbound I-95 traffic shift will be in place the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 14, and last until Summer 2018.

Weather permitting, the ramp from southbound I-95 to Boston Street will be closed Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 9:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning.

The traffic shift and ramp closure are part of the Maryland Transportation Authority’s (MDTA) $49.4 million project to reconfigure travel lanes on a four-mile stretch of I-95 north of the Fort McHenry Tunnel. Once complete, the project will provide four continuous lanes on I-95 between the Tunnel and Moravia Road.

REMINDER: The MDTA and MDTA Police have deployed Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) equipment to slow drivers in the work zone on northbound and southbound I-95 between the Fort McHenry Tunnel and Moravia Road. Advance warning signs are in place prior to the work zone to alert drivers of ASE use and a “speed trailer” is on-site to display drivers’ speeds. By law, if a vehicle is recorded traveling 12 or more miles over the posted speed limit (the posted speed is 50 mph at this location), a $40 fine will be issued to the registered owner of the vehicle.

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