Temporary I-95 Ramp Closure Scheduled in Baltimore

I-95 Construction | Baltimore Maryland | I-95 Exit Guide

The Maryland Transportation Authority reports that the ramp from southbound I-95 to Caton Avenue (Exit 50 A-B) will be closed temporarily to traffic. The detour route will direct motorists to Inner Loop I-695 (Exit 49B), to Wilkens Avenue (Exit 12B), to Caton Avenue.

Weather permitting, the closure will take place Wednesday, February 28, from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following morning. In the event of inclement weather, work also may occur on Thursday, March 1.

Crews will close the ramp to remove light poles as part of the Maryland Transportation Authority’s (MDTA) $13.7 million project to remove and replace weathering steel high-mast light poles along I-95 in Baltimore.

The MDTA thanks its customers for their patience and reminds them to Stay Alert So No One Gets Hurt!

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