South Carolina Proposes I-95 Improvements

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | South Carolina | I-95 Exit Guide

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) recently held a public hearing concerning proposed safety improvements along a portion of Interstate 95.

The purpose of the project is to reduce the number of traffic fatalities and serious injuries along the I-95 corridor within Jasper County, a 33-mile section beginning at the Georgia/South Carolina state line (milepost 0) and continuing north to milepost 33. This project involves adding safety features to try to keep vehicles on the road and improving the clear zone, the unobstructed area beyond the edge of the roadway, to allow drivers to stop safely or regain control of a vehicle that leaves the traveled way. Improvement of the clear zone will require tree removal in various locations throughout the corridor, select placement of cable barrier, minor grading and the strategic placement of steel beam guardrail in select locations to protect wetlands areas and/or steep slopes.

All work will take place within SCDOT’s right-of-way and no additional right-of-way will be required. This location was selected for improvement through the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program, which uses a data-driven strategic approach to identify locations throughout the state with high crash rates or patterns.

The public meeting gave attendees an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed concept plans.

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