South Carolina Closes Sections of I-95 Near North Carolina Line

I-95 Weather | I-95 Exit Guide

The South Carolina Department of Transportation reports that, due to flooding related to Hurricane Florence, I-95 is closed from exit 181 (SC 38) north. There are also large segments of I-95 in North Carolina closed due to flooding.

Detour routes are:

  • From Georgia: I-85 NB through South Carolina is open to traffic
  • From Georgia: I-95 NB to I-26 WB to I-77 NB into North Carolina
  • Within South Carolina: I-20 WB to exit 131, US-401, take SC-403 North to SC-151 to US-601 into North Carolina

Conditions are changing rapidly. Be alert and drive responsibly.

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I-95 Exit Guide
The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.