Rhode Island to Reopen I-95 Truck Rest Area

Rest Stop | I-95 Exit Guide

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) announced that it will reopen the existing truck rest area along I-95 North, located between Exits 2 and 3. The rest area will provide additional safe parking for truck drivers, who must comply with federal regulations that limit the number of hours they can drive and establish minimum rest periods between shifts.

RIDOT’s maintenance forces are busy working at the facility, clearing excessive weeds and brush from the grounds, sweeping and restriping the parking lots, repairing guardrail and installing new signage. RIDOT expects to reopen the facility as a truck rest area by mid-September.


The existing truck rest area closed in 2011, at roughly the same time new Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Hours of Service Regulations were being developed. These regulations not only limit the number of hours spent driving, but also mandate minimum rest periods between shifts.

Federal restrictions apply to the existing truck rest area, which prohibit certain travel amenities from being provided – services travelers expect and deserve at a modern travel plaza.

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