North Carolina Begins Public Feedback Stage for Major I-95 Widening Project

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | North Carolina | I-95 Exit Guide

​The North Carolina Department of Transportation is currently seeking public feedback on plans underway to widen and upgrade a nearly nine-mile section of Interstate 95 in Robeson County.

The department is proposing to increase the number of travel lanes to four in each direction from Exit 13 to just south of Exit 22 within Lumberton. As part of the proposal, three interchanges (Exits 17, 19 and 20) and the bridges that cross the Lumber River and CSX rail line/VFW Road would be replaced, among other improvements.

The project has an estimated $418 million construction cost, and the department is scheduled to award a design-build contract next summer. A design-build bid is an alternative way to construct a project and help complete it more quickly.

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