Nighttime Lane, Ramp Closures on I-95 in Delaware Begin Monday

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Wilmington, Delaware | I-95 Exit Guide

The Delaware Department of Transportation announces to motorists that the right lane and shoulder will be closed on I-95 southbound and Ramps on I-95 for soil boring samples to be drilled to evaluate the geotechnical subgrade for the Rehabilitation of I-95 from I-495 to north of Brandywine River Bridge project.

Variable message boards will be posted to notify motorists of the upcoming lane and ramp closures.

Motorists should be aware that construction personnel and equipment will be operating in close proximity to the travel lanes and anticipate lane shifts.

The following lane and shoulder closures will occur from 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. each night, pending weather.

Monday, April 20, 2020

  • I-95 Southbound between 10th Street and 11th Street
    • The right lane and shoulder will be closed on I-95 southbound.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

  • I-95 Southbound between 10th Street and 11th Street
    • The left lane and shoulder will be closed on I-95 southbound and shoulder closed northbound.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 (from 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2020)

  • Closure of Jackson Street On-Ramp to I-95 Southbound
    • Detour Route: Motorist destined to I-95 Southbound from North Jackson Street will continue south on Jackson Street to the ramp, just south of Lancaster Avenue.
  • Closure of Exit 7/Adams Street On-Ramp to I-95 Northbound
    • Detour Route: Motorists destined to Exit 7 will use Exit 6 to South Adams Street and continue north on Adams Street to Route 52.

Detour signage will be posted for motorists.

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