New Lane Shifts Coming to I-95 North in Rhode Island

I-95 Traffic | Rhode Island I-95 Construction | I-95 Exit Guide

As part of ongoing bridge deck and joint repairs at the South County Freeway Bridge in Warwick, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) today announced a three-phase lane shift on I-95 North over Route 4 South, with all traffic shifting to the left effective Friday morning, July 13.

Prior to the shifts taking place, motorists on I-95 North over Route 4 South will experience partial right lane and shoulder closures for barrier placement on Thursday night, July 12 from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Once the barrier is in place and crews are working behind it, this first phase should last through the end of July.

Over a one-weekend period at the end of July/early August, drivers can expect traffic down to one lane when the Department anticipates moving to the second phase of repairs. In mid-August, RIDOT will start its third and final lane configuration, with all traffic shifted to the right through the end of August.

The South County Freeway Bridge carries approximately 75,000 vehicles on I-95 North over Route 4 South. Built in 1965, RIDOT is repairing the concrete walls and bridge deck, cleaning and painting the steel elements, reinforcing the roadway joints, repaving the bridge and its approaches, and adding new striping. The project is slated for completion in Spring 2019, yet all schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change.

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