New I-95 South Traffic Pattern in Place for Monday Morning Commute

I-95 Construction | Providence Rhode Island | I-95 Exit Guide

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is reminding motorists about the new traffic pattern on I-95 South near Exits 22 (Routes 6/10; Downtown) and Exit 21 (Atwells Avenue) in Providence, which opened yesterday morning. Tomorrow is the first time weekday commuters will experience the latest changes, which continue to include a divided highway configuration.

Motorists will have one through lane for I-95 South to the left of the split on the old Viaduct bridge and two through lanes to the right on the new bridge. All three through lanes will remain for I-95 South traffic. Exit 21 will still be accessible in the far right lane.

RIDOT is shifting the lanes one at a time as it completes the necessary construction to fully open the new Providence Viaduct southbound bridge.

The Department is using pavement striping, traffic signs, and concrete barriers to implement these changes in three phases. The approximate schedule of the remaining phases include:

Phase II: Installed Saturday, October 29, with one through lane to the left on the old bridge and two through lanes to the right on the new bridge. Traffic taking Exit 21 will have access to the far right lane (which is an exit-only lane for Atwells Avenue).

Phase III: In mid-November there will be no traffic splits, with all three lanes open on the new bridge and one exit-only lane for Exit 21.

RIDOT encourages all motorists to reduce their speed and drive safely through all work zones. All schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change.

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