New I-95 Exit Now Open in Florida

Matanzas Woods Interchange| I-95 Exit Guide

Florida’s I-95 now has a new exit. The Matanzas Woods Interchange, exit 293 was opened to traffic on March 28, 2016.

The need for the interchange became apparent in July 1998, when wildfire consumed more than 84,000 acres and destroyed 71 houses. Former Gov. Lawton Chiles ordered a mandatory evacuation for Flagler County – about 35,000 residents.

The Matanzas Woods Parkway interchange provided motorists with better access to U.S. 1 in northeastern Palm Coast. The overpass project cost $12.6 million. There are now three Interstate 95 access points in Flagler County.

Highway improvements include the widening of the interstate to accommodate new acceleration and deceleration lanes, wet detention ponds adjacent to the roadway, sidewalks, lighting, overhead signs and landscaping.

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I-95 Exit Guide
The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.