Major Traffic Shift on I-95 in Connecticut This Weekend

Connecticut I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction in Connecticut | New Haven Connecticut | I-95 Exit Guide

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a major traffic shift on I-95 southbound is scheduled from Friday night, August 19, 2016, to Saturday night, August 20, 2016, in New Haven and West Haven.

The traffic revisions on I-95 southbound will begin on Friday, August 19, 2016, at 10:00 PM and are expected to be completed by Saturday night, August 20, 2016, at midnight. All travel lanes on I-95 southbound will be shifted across new Bridge over Ella T. Grasso Boulevard and the new Bridge over the West River. The work includes the elimination of the I-95 southbound traffic split prior to Exit 44, the installation of advance warning signs, restriping of the traffic lanes, the removal and installation of overhead signs and the installation and relocation of precast concrete barrier curb.


Route 34 ramp to I-95 SB will be diverted to I-95 NB to Exit 50 at which point traffic will turn left and enter onto I-95 SB.

I-95 SB on-ramp traffic from Sargent Drive at Interchange 46 will be diverted to Howard Avenue, then onto Sea Street which leads Ella T. Grasso Boulevard and the on-ramp to I-95 Southbound at Interchange 44.

I-95 SB Exit 44 off-ramp traffic to Ella T. Grasso Boulevard will be diverted to Exit 43 and then back onto I-95 NB and the off-ramp at I-95 NB Exit 44 to Ella T. Grasso Boulevard.

Motorists should be aware that modifications or extensions to this schedule may become necessary due to weather delays or other unforeseen conditions. Motorists are advised to maintain a safe speed when driving in this vicinity.

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