I-95 Bridge Construction in Delaware Will Require Lane Closures

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Wilmington, Delaware | I-95 Exit Guide

The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that their contractor is scheduled to remove and replace the existing bridge deck on I-95 northbound over SR 7/1. To expedite construction, the contractor will be using precast deck panels in lieu of a traditional cast-in-place concrete deck. This project is scheduled to begin on Saturday, October 1 and is anticipated to be complete by mid-November.

Motorists can expect I-95 northbound lanes to be reduced from four to three lanes for approximately 45 days.

Motorists are advised to use caution when traveling through the area and to expect lane shifts.

After the bridge deck is replaced and all four lanes are restored to traffic; additional work including painting and minor repairs will take place.

Variable message boards will be placed to notify motorists of the upcoming lane closures.

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