I-95 Traffic Detoured for Ramp Closures at Exit 133 in Maine

I-95 Construction | Lewiston Maine | I-95 Exit Guide

The Maine Department of Transportation will be closing the Exit 133 on- and off-ramps on the northbound side of I-95 in Fairfield Sunday night into Monday morning to accommodate guardrail replacement work. The ramp closures will occur between 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 15th and 6:00 a.m. on Monday, May 16th. The work is not expected to take the entire nine hours.

This work is part of a larger project that involves paving and other safety improvements along approximately 18 miles of I-95 between Waterville and Pittsfield. The project started at the beginning of May and is scheduled to be finished in November. The contractor on this project is Northeast Paving out of Hermon.

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I-95 Exit Guide
The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.