I-95 Roadside Enhancements Begin in Georgia

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Savannah Georgia | I-95 Exit Guide

The Georgia Department of Transportation is implementing two maintenance contracts for Interstate 95 right-of-way to enhance safety and establish a clean, green and well-maintained roadway.

Contractors began replacing the fence and seeding grass on I-95 right-of-way in Camden County from the Georgia/Florida State line to just south of Exit 3 Interchange Bridge. Day-to-day operations should not impede traffic but the public is urged to always use caution in work zone areas.

The fencing contractor began replacing the current dilapidated four-foot fence at the outer edge line of I-95 right-of-way with an upgraded eight-foot gaming fence. This type game fence should deter wildlife from entering the highway along this portion of I-95.

The grassing contractor should start this week planting a mixture of Bermuda and millet grass seeds on all roadside and median areas along this section of the I-95 corridor. Weather permitting, both maintenance contracts should be completed this summer.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.