Extended I-95 Lane Closure in Fredericksburg for Emergency Repairs

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Fredericksburg Virginia | I-95 Exit Guide

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) reports that an emergency maintenance repair is underway to address severe erosion along the shoulder of Interstate 95 southbound in Fredericksburg at mile marker 131, requiring an extended lane closure in the area.

A single lane of Interstate 95 southbound will remain closed 24 hours a day through Friday, May 20, in the local travel lanes just south of the Rapphannock River bridge. The right lane is closed for motorist safety as crews work along the interstate shoulder.

The lane closure begins south of the on-ramp from the parking lot of the I-95 Southbound Safety Rest Area and Welcome Center at Fredericksburg, and ends north of the exit 130 (Route 3) interchange.

Five southbound travel lanes remain open on I-95 in this area, with new capacity recently added by the I-95 Southbound Rappahannock River Crossing project. Two southbound travel lanes remain open in the local travel lanes between exit 133 (Route 17) in Stafford County and exit 130. Three southbound travel lanes also remain open in the through travel lanes between these interchanges.

The area under repair is part of the previous I-95 general purpose lanes.

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