Delaware DOT Advises Travelers to Expect Heavy Traffic Over 4th of July Holiday

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Wilmington, Delaware | I-95 Exit Guide

With the 4th of July holiday approaching, the Delaware Department of Transportation advises motorist to expect heavy traffic volumes on roads throughout the state this week, with Wednesday, July 3, expected to be the day with the heaviest traffic. AAA is forecasting a record-breaking 48.9 million Americans will travel this Independence Day, an increase of more than four percent from last year. More than 133,000 Delawareans, or 12 percent of the population, is expected to travel at least 50 miles during the holiday.

DelDOT also reminds motorists that there will be many pedestrians and bicyclists out at local parades and fireworks displays over the next several days.

“The 4th of July holiday is when we really see the summer travel season begin and we want everyone to reach their destination safely. With more people on the roads, driving cautiously and responsibly should be everyone’s top priority when they get behind the wheel,” said Secretary of Transportation Jennifer Cohan.

Motorists can increase their safety, and reduce the risk to others by doing the following:

  • Always wear seatbelts
  • Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Obey posted speed limits
  • Do not drive distracted
  • Do not drive aggressively

Following these five rules significantly decreases the likelihood of being involved in a crash as these are the leading cause of crashes involving serious injury or death on our roads. To date, there have been 46 crash-related fatalities on Delaware roads. The state has also seen an increase in fatal motorcycle crashes with eight in May and June. There are nearly 22,000 motorcycles registered in Delaware, and many of these crashes can be prevented through awareness by motorists and motorcyclists following the rules of the road.

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